Thursday, September 28, 2006

You Can Take The Grrrl Out of the Small Town...

Even though I've lived in Atlanta for 16 years (!) now, there are still aspects of "big city living" that surprise me - and, in tiny ways, thrill me...

Like blimps.
I still get a big kick every time I see a blimp up in the sky. It's not an everyday occurrence, by any means - but there are enough big sporting events and even conventions here so they aren't a real rarity either... When I do spot one, I get all smiley inside and I must admit I think to myself that if I still lived in a small town, I could probably go my whole life without looking up and seeing the Goodyear (or the Fuji, or the MetLife...) blimp.*

Other aspects are striking in their surreality (is that a word?) Like tonight, for example. I was sitting at a stoplight when I realized that the car in front of me was a Bentley. And yes, my first thought** was "Cool." Because in my small town, I'd probably only ever see these in movies...

Please don't misunderstand me - I love my hometown, I really, really do. And if it were even remotely economically feasible, I would have us move back there in a flash. But since it looks like I'm here in the ATL for a bit longer anyway, it is kind of fun to enjoy these random acts of "Gee Whiz, I'm a BigCityGrrrl now..." (which in my head is said in the most hillbilly accent ever. It's just funnier that way....)

*In addition to that thought, I must confess that a tiny little voice in my head squeals delightedly "A zeppelin", just like Randy in A Christmas Story. (One of my favorite movies of all times....)

**Then my second thought was that it was obscene that that car probably cost more than my house. This was promptly followed by my third thought which was went something like this: "don't hit the Bentley. don't hit the Bentley. that stupid car costs more than your house. don'thititdonthititdonthitit...." and continued on like that until it was time for my turnoff, about a mile later. Actually, quite stressful...


Anonymous said...

You'll shoot your eye out kid! I have to dispute your small town theory a bit though. I live in a town that isn't quite big enough to be considered a small town and I've looked up in the sky to see a blimp two or three times. Surely they were on there way somewhere else and yes it was very odd to see. One of those times when you call everyone out into the yard to check it out. Hey, we're easily entertained.

laura capello said...

"Randy, show Mommy how the piggies eat! Show Mommy how the piggies eat, Randy!"

I'm such a city girl. I fully realized my snobbery when in Michigan on this last trip. You would have thought someone had removed my skin based on my reactions of not having access to neither a Starbucks nor a Chipotle. Although, I'm sure I'd get butterflies in my belly if I saw a blimp too. I haven't seen one in years.

And you can't take the honky-tonk, take the honky-tonk out of the grrrl.

beki said...

I am by no means a city girl. Gowing up we had to "go to town" to go grocery shopping.

Do you watch A Christmas Story more than once when they play it for 24 hours over Christmas? I do, and never tire of it. My favorite quote: "...the soft glow of electric sex gleaming in the window".

Anonymous said...

when i've been in atl, i've often thought i could never live there surrounded by REAL wealth. in tri it's not like there are truly wealthy folks. okay maybe one or two, but there aren't as many enclaves here. i find atl overwhelming. and since i'm poor and will likely always be, being surrounded by all the haves would depress me. or something.

laeroport said...

Next to me in the blackness lay my oiled blue steel beauty. The greatest Christmas gift I had ever received, or would ever receive. Gradually, I drifted off to sleep, pringing ducks on the wing and getting off spectacular hip shots.

And here's a bit of a camp song: City girls, they wear those mini-skirts. Country girls, they wear the same. Mountain girls wear big overalls but they get there just the same!

City, country, mountain... it's all good!

Anonymous said...

ok i am SO guilty about the blimp thing. and i've lived 30 miles outside of chicago over in indiana all my life.
i freakin' LOVE blimps. so does nat, he waves at them along with cats, cows, horses, and he waved at the liberty bell today (we're visiting philly)!

MéLisa said...

FRA-GIL-E It must be Italian! & My brother lay there in the snow like a bloated tick, it was his only defense. Oh I have to buy that this year, since we moved & don’t have cable we don’t get to watch it for 24 hours. I would have it on as long as I was able, hubby can only take 3-4 go rounds!

I am the opposite of you. I grew up 10 minutes south of Palm Beach, as in the winter play land of the Kennedy’s & the like. So it seems odd to me now when I don’t see a Jag, Bentley, Aston Martin, etc etc. on a daily basis, but our town now is so small that it’s only a village. I went to high school with a couple kids that got dropped off in limos. Actually now that I remember one of Jimmy Buffet’s daughter went to my high school. She was a couple years younger than me. Also I sat next to Rod Stuart one time at a piano bar when we were out for my birthday & he even say a couple songs. Now we get all excited when we have a doe & 2 spotted fawns in the front yard! Funny, huh?

Kat said...

We live 3 miles from a small airport so we see the Metlife balloon everyday. My son gets so excited and my hubby wants to fine out how to get a job driving

Anonymous said...

Where is the balloon