Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Newest Shiny Thing to Catch My Eye...

Even cooler than a sock monkey dress, if you can believe it.

I want it.
I don't need it, so I'm not going to get it.
But - boy oh boy, am I feeling all covetous and lustful and stuff...

Edited to add: Bubba just pointed out that I could clip it to the sock monkey dress. The only thing that could make this any better would be a purse full of candy bars...


Sir James Eric Watkins said...

sock monkey dress, that sounds cool.

please help Erin to help prevent Congenital Heart Defects.

Anonymous said...

Do you think you'll have occasion to wear the sock monkey dress? I would imagine it to be very heavy and HOT! (that's the practical side of me helping you out) As for the other shiny thing, that looks quite cool and you could wear it anywhere. You could clip it onto your purse full of chocolate.

MéLisa said...

I wonder how many of those clip on iPods things will end up in the washer? I am such a technology dinosaur but I just do not understand how something that small can possible hold 250 songs!!! Just think less than 150 years ago the big new thing was the car!

laura capello said...

I feellike a dumbass saying this, but an ipod that's only $80?

Finally, something that might fit into my price range for the holidays.

Rebecca said...

I'm actually less impressed by this gadget than I would have been before I heard a clip on NPR (http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=6051082)
about how tiny technology is in Japan and how it can take 1-2 years or longer to be available in the US.

Not that I need or could afford a laptop that fits in my back pocket, but it would be neat to have that option.