Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Wishin' and Hopin' and Thinkin' and Prayin'

Are you familiar with that old Dusty Springfield song?
Well, it's been stuck in my head for days now; really quite annoying.

It dawned on me that I have been incommunicado for the last little bit - unintentionally, I assure you. Nothing bad has happened, it is just that I find myself hell-bent on starting to declutter my pit of a home. And it's become kind of all-consuming (I understand that this is what happens when you live with a couple of packrats....)

My own personal Dusty Springfield song would go something like this:
Sortin' and Tossin' and Storin' and Cleanin'...
(with, of course, a little bit of knittin' and readin' tossed in...)

In addition to Operation Get Rid of Stuff We Don't Want/Need - I've also been trying to enjoy the remaining time I have with Schecky - school starts next week. I suspect that we're both ready for him to go back, but I have enjoyed just hanging out with him this summer. Seven-turning-eight is a very good age...

So, to summarize - all is well here, there's just not much to report.
(Although thank you, thank you, thank you for the few "Where are you? Are you OK?" emails I've received...)

Upon re-reading this post, I realize that there is a complete dearth of anything even remotely "blogworthy" here. So I'll leave you with a joke*

Q. How do you make a Kleenex dance?

A. Blow a little boogie into it!

This joke just kills with the preschool set....

*Somewhat random fact - whereas I like to think that I have a sense of humor, and I do like jokes - for some reason there are only three jokes that I can ever remember...
And sadly, this may be the best of the three...


Anonymous said...

I got home today and spent a long LONG time catching up on all the blogs and was concerned that there was nothing new with you. I was just about to send one of those "are you ok?" emails. I was a little worried that the 3 eight-year-olds had sent you over the edge and you were huddled in a corner, rocking and mumbling. Glad to hear you've been sortin' and tossin' and storin' and cleanin' instead.

laura capello said...

When you're all done, you should come here for a visit!

(And of course I'm familiar with that song...)

Anonymous said...

how rotten. now i'll have that song whipping through my head. and i didn't need any kind of booger jokes, eithe,r thank you very much! good to hear you're still moving and shaking.

MéLisa said...

I was beginning to wonder about you too! Glad that you are ok!

Can I get inline behind Capello & have you come to my house to declutter after hers?
Hi my name is MéLisa & I am a pack rat that collects too much “stuff” & then can’t bear to get ride of it. Ugh!

Oh man I was all excited to tell my co-worker who has a 7 year old your joke & she already knew the punch line! Bummer! :(