This set was made for a swap with the lovely and talented Autum, aka: Creative Little Daisy. The dishcloths were made to go in her kitchen, and I ended up really pleased with how cheerily they turned out. It made it a bit difficult to continue to sulk when working with such happy colors. (Oh, don't get me wrong, I still managed to do it. It just wasn't easy....)
These dishcloths; these washcloths - they are an obsession, I tell you! I'm still smitten with both of these projects, and I think I am going to follow Autum's recommendation to open up an etsy storefront. Watch this space for news on this, or send me an email to kingsportgrrrl[AT]yahoo[DOT]com to be notified about this endeavor. I'm out to win over converts, one washcloth at a time...
In other fronts, you know how today was "answer email day"??? Well, I have been, I promise. It's been very mythological or biblical or something. The number of emails to which I need to reply never seems to shrink. I answer one, a new one comes in! It's fabulous - I am really enjoying the inspiration that I get, and the knowledge that I glean from each of you!
If I were the kind of gal that were good about acknowledging what I am grateful for, you all would make the list...
Thank you!
Them there is some purty dishtowels.
They're real purty and soft too. Keep tempting us, you're going to have a washcloth frenzy when you finally open your shop.
I would definately buy me some purty shebert blue and pink dishcloths!
Yep, em's plum purdy.
Ouhhhhhh! They are purty! I second (or third or fourth) the notion of you opening a Esty shop! Keep us posted!
hooray! can't wait to see the etsy store! and yes, those are some mighty fine looking washcloths you made.
Just came over from Autum's site to tell you that you should open an Etsy store, especially with your stuff packaged and as pretty as they are!!! But then it looks like you have already!
Hey Girl,
I'm Lindsey from 'Yankee Girl Designs' I just read your comment over at Autum's site and I just wanted to inform you that yes, you can totally wear something from a Yankee. I married a southern dude from Arkansas and named my buisness Yankee Girl Designs b/c my father in-law always refers to me as "his lil yankee" :)
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