For a short bit. Then you need to hoist yourself up (and give yourself a good swift kick in the pants if necessary) and begin to get over it.
So - as part of the getting over it, I present you with a few nibbly things that caught my attention/made me happy today....
- I got my toenails done today. Woo Hoo!
And, I found a new color that I think I love. For the last several years, the toenails have been all about the "Chick Flick Cherry". Seriously, I've had bright red CFC toes for at least three years....
Today, I decided to go to the nail place, and as usual I took along my own bottle of the aforementioned favorite color. But when I got there, I decided "to heck with it, I need a change". So I picked out a new color - "Lincoln Park After Dark". I think I love it. A disclaimer, though - it is not nearly so purple on, in fact it's almost a blackish color, somewhat Goth, kind of like Chanel's "Vamp" that was all the rage a while back. Anyhoo, it is quite a departure for me. Sometimes a change is good.... The clever and witty Potlikker introduced me to a new project - - the concept is simple, there is an artist in San Francisco who is decorating a tree with mini red sweaters, each one to represent an American soldier casualty in the Iraq war. Which appears to be, at the time of this writing an unforgivable 2,476. Although, sadly, this seems to be a difficult number to pin down....
I think that I will be creating some mini sweaters in the upcoming days....You go, Creative Little Daisy!
I have long been in awe of your mad sewing skills, your crazy flair for interior design, as well as the way you rock those blond highlights! And now, you're a quadruple threat, adding most excellent breakfast night skills to your already impressive resume. Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day - and you've cooked up a fine one!
Oh, and of course, don't let me forget to mention how much I enjoy your "Gratitude Fridays" - you always seem to have a good attitude, no matter what the situation. Hopefully, you're a good influence, and some of that will rub off on me!
I think I am going to go off to bed, stupidly early. I've been self-medicating today with a combination of margaritas and gummy bears (don't knock it 'til you've tried it!), and this girl has now run out of steam....
WT??? is wrong with Blogger these days - both yesterday and today it has taken me exponentially longer to post my post than it did to write it (and in the case of yesterday's missive, that is not an unsubstantial amount of time!)
C'mon Blogger, what gives with all the connection errors???
Aww shucks.... I'm blushing and you are too kind! That wasn't my plate by the way, it was my husbands. It kinda clogs your arteries just looking at it doesn't it? The sausage gravy was very good, thanks for the wonderful instructions.
I bet Lincoln Park After Dark looks great on your little piggies. Don't you love those OPI names?
i agree i love breakfast but for lunch or dinner.
perhaps i should grow some fingernails for that poish that would mean i could probably waer some polish in 2 years since i have no nails and only skin!
Methinks I should paint my fat little toes... those colors are quite fun.
The sweaters are sad, but meaningful -- I think people don't fully realize how many souls we have lost.
And do you love Autum? She's awesome.
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