Tuesday, March 28, 2006


I am supposed to be working on lesson plans....

What am I actually doing?
  • checking my email. Compulsively.
    You never know, something might have come in the last 45 seconds...

  • visiting every blog that I have ever bookmarked.

  • visiting every blog that I have ever bookmarked a second time.
    You never know, there might be new content in the last 45 seconds...

  • visiting every blog that I have ever bookmarked a third time.
    Only this time, I'm following every link that has ever been mentioned*...
    You know - if I've ever visited your blog, check your tracksy stats, or whatever. I think you'll see that I'm not exaggerating, even though I do tend to love me some hyperbole....

Starting to sense a pattern here? Wouldn't it just be easier to do my lesson plans? One would think so... But none of my "motivating" tricks that I use to convince myself into doing unwanted jobs seem to be working.

Sigh. And now I have a cold mouse hand (you know how your mouse hand gets so cold from being elevated up on the desk???) and still no lesson plans for the next four weeks....

*I did come across an interesting quiz - Are You A Hit-Obsessed Weblogger? - thanks to the lovely and talented GeekyMom. I was so thrilled to find her blog, as she happens to be my long-lost best friend from Senior Year in high school...hi, LCB!

My results:
30 points. TYPE C (HIT-CURIOUS).
You do the weblog thing for yourself instead of for an audience, but you are aware that you do have an audience, small as it might be. You are often curious as to what other people find so interesting about your weblog...


Anonymous said...

Got that lesson plan done yet? I scored the same as you.

Fill said...

Lest ye forgot, I am the President of the Procrasti-Nation!
(and I'm also a client!)