Schecky looked at me earlier in the week and asked:
"Why is everything in this house always broken?
Or breaking?*"
Out of the mouths of babes....
And, sadly, I didn't have an answer for him - although, in a strange way, it made me feel a little bit better... Just to know that I wasn't alone in feeling that way sometimes.
In a 99 year old house - nothing is easy.
I am trying very, very, VERY hard to maintain a "glass is half full" attitude - but my patience is being tried...
Now the computer is having "issues". And Bubba says the prognosis is dire...
(so, it seems that once again, I may be enjoying an "enforced absence" from teh internets....)
It's always something, isn't it???
Ah well - on the bright side - there's a shiny new, non-wobbly ceiling fan in place. And it only took 5 days to get it up and installed and working properly! :)
That was 5 long days though - since I had to shut off that electrical breaker until I got the new one up and running. And that breaker, it turns out, is an important one. It has *all* the ceiling fans in the back of the house on it. So there have been no ceiling fans - and therefore no breeze - in any of the bedrooms. During this week of record-breaking temps here in the ATL. Is my timing awesome, or what???
Also on the bright side - are you sitting down? - I actually picked up my knitting needles this week. Nothing to report at this time - but YAY! I actually started something... (and hadn't completely forgotten how to knit!)
It's not all sucky here in the House That Crazy Built. It's never *all* sucky... but sometimes it's harder to remember that than at other times. We've got what I hope is a lazy weekend planned. That's good. That makes me happy...
And one more thing that makes me happy:

Schecky has built this ginormous LegoCity. And during the day, when Schecky is at school (because Scheck doesn't like it when people mess with LegoCity) ThingTwo likes to come in, settle down among the buildings, and just sits there. Attempting to look regal and menacing. I call him "The Terror of Tiny Town," which he seems to enjoy... It cracks me up...
*He was looking at the big, gaping hole in the kitchen ceiling. Where there was supposed to be a ceiling fan...